LAMBTON DOORS ArchCat V14 Spt 2019
References Althaus, H.-J., M. Chudacoff, R. Hischier, N. Jungbluth, M. Osses and A. Primas (2007). Life Cycle Inventories of Chemicals. ecoinvent report No8. Dübendorf, CH, E. Dübendorf, Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories. 957pp. Bare, J. C. and T. P. Gloria (2008). Environmental impact assessment taxonomy providing comprehensive coverage of midpoints, endpoints, damages, and areas of protection. Journal of Cleaner Production 16: 1021-1035. Bergman, R. and S. Bowe (2011). Life-Cycle Inventory of manufacturing prefinished engineered wood flooring in the Eastern United States. CORRIM. 47pp. FPInnovations (2013). Product Category Rules. North American structural and architectural wood products. Version 1.1. 22pp. Frischknecht, R., N. Jungbluth et al. (2003). Implementation of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods. Final report ecoinvent 2000, Swiss Centre for LCI. Dübendorf, CH, ISO (2006a). ISO 14025:2006 - Environmental labels and declarations. Type III environmental declarations -- Principles and procedures. ISO (2006b). ISO 14044. Environmental management -- Life cycle assessment -- Requirements and guidelines. Geneva, Switzerland, International Organisation for Standardisation: 46. Statistics Canada (2012). Waste management in Canada, in Human Activity and the Environment. Catalogue no. 16-201-X. Minister of Industry. Ottawa, ON, Canada. 46pp
Declared product Doors 5-UFPC-EME/ECE/EBE and 5-FSPC-EME/ECE/EBE Reference PCR Product Category Rules (PCR) for preparing an Environmental Product Declaration for North American Structural and Architectural Wood Products v1.1. FPInnovation May 2013. PCR Review was conducted by: Wayne Trusty, Wayne Trusty and Associates Limited This declaration was independently verified in accordance with ISO 14 025 by INTERNAL EXTERNAL Lal Mahalle FPInnovations, 2665 East Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1W5
About this EPD PCR: North American Structural and Architectural Wood Products. November 2011. Prepared by FPInnovations and available at The LCA and the EPD produced by Vertima with guidance from FPInnovations. This EPD is based on Cobut, Aline (2017) Addendum to Cradle to grave life cycle assessment - Three models of commercial interior wooden doors, 2014. Canada: Vertima Inc.
Program Operator: FPInnovations 2665 East Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1W5 1 (604) 224 3221
EPD Owner: LAMBTON DOORS 235, 2 nd Avenue Lambton, Qc G0M 1H0 1 (418) 486-7401
EPDs do not address all aspects of sustainability concerns. As an example, they do not cover the social impacts of a product, or the site-specific environmental impacts as would an environmental impact analysis. EPDs can be compared only if they are based on the same function and reference service life, quantified by the same functional unit in the form of their reference flows. EPDs from different programs may not be comparable. Type III environmental product declarations intended for business-to-consumer communication shall be available to the consumer at the point of purchase. 5-UFPC-EME/ECE/EBE and 5-FSPC-EME/ECE/EBE product technical sheet and explanatory materials on the background LCA can be found at www.lambtondoors.
Issued January, 2018 Valid until January, 2023
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